Noodler’s - Borealis Black - Ink Review

Day 10 of Inkmas!! Oh my goodness I can’t believe how fast this is going

Out of today’s grab bag I pulled Noodler’s Borealis Black- the first true black ink of the Inkmas calendar

When I was loading my pen up I had some ink on my hands from cleaning out the previous few days pens, and totally thought some blueish purple was from this ink, so when I was writing my writing sample I was confused when I didn’t see any purple, whoops!

Okay, review time!

Noodler’s Borealis Black writing sample

Noodler’s Borealis Black writing sample


This ink, like most Noodler’s inks, goes down firmly on the wet side of the spectrum. The flow on this ink is great.

I’ve said this previously but I’ve only come to expect the best behavior of Noodler’s inks and Borealis Black is no exception; it pretty much stays where you put it. I noticed a tiiiiiny bit of bleeding on my Field Notes, and some feathering on general copy paper, but on my Rhodia I had no troubles at all

Dry Time

Wheew this one takes a while to dry.

On my Rhodia it’s solidly in at the 40 second mark.

Beware, any lefties or folks who were planning to use this for work notes- this one takes it’s sweet time to dry

Water Test

This ink isn’t waterproof, nor is it advertised to be. 

Like most Noodler’s inks it sinks pretty well into the page, so even when water is introduced and the color comes up, some is still retained.

I didn’t notice any shocking results from the water test that would usually prompt me to recommend it to folks using their pen ink for art.


This ink is BLACK! I mean deep, dark, lost in space time black. “In space no one can hear you write” type of black. 

If you’re looking for something on the extreme end of the spectrum, I’ve found your ink.


I really dig it! I generally am not a fan of black inks, even in Bic pens I always gravitated towards the blue ones, but this is a *really* nice black ink.

The drying time is a bit on the long side for my meeting-note needs, but I’ll certainly be happy to keep playing around with it.

Okay, thanks for reading! Happy writing and see you tomorrow for Inkmas Day 11!