Retro 1951 - Collection Highlights

Hi all and welcome back to Duck’s Doodles.

I’m sure by now, you’ve heard the news that Retro 51 as we know it is going to be no more. What exactly is happening is unclear, but things are going to change.

Retro 51 pens are just something special. They’ve been made for the last 30 years by pen people for pen people.

Retro was my entry into the pen world, and it became something to bond with other collectors over.

 It’s so rare to have something universally loved by a community, but Retro has certainly done it.

They’ll be missed, and I hope that someone can pick up the brand to carry it on (seriously, Retro folks if you’re reading this please consider selling it to Brad and Myke)

I thought what better way to celebrate this brand than to go through some of my favorite pens. 

So let’s take a look at some of my favorites in my collection to celebrate this amazing company

The Pen Addict Collaboration


The one that started it all! My first review on this blog was this pen. It’s special to me, as Brad has always been a welcoming mentor to all in the pen community. It was the first Retro I purchased, and a kind collector in the community sold it to me for an amazing price because they were just thrilled to have someone else in the hobby.

Paris Skyline - Goldspot Collaboration


You guys know I’m a sucker for all things dogs, and the French Bulldog in the beret cheers me up every time I see it. Plus, Goldspot was kind enough to include my review of this pen in one of their email newsletters. 


The Pulp Pens (Detective Edition)


This isn’t a typical Tornado that I collect, but dang these Pulp Pens are fun. They’re decorated with various Pulp Magazine cover- the three I have are a detective story, a biplane dogfight and a monster stealing a damsel in distress. The Detective is my favorite of the three, so I’ve included it here. 



Honestly, this pen is just downright the most gorgeous pen I own. When I think of Retro’s slogan ‘Life is too short to carry an ugly pen’, this is what I think of. This pen was a gift, and honestly it’s one I’ll cherish.

Thanks for reading everyone, I sincerely appreciate all that the Retro 51 company has done for the world of pens- creating an innovative brand with a dedicated community isn’t easy, but Retro has done a fantastic job.

And remember, life is too short to carry an ugly pen. So let’s celebrate the life of one of the best pen companies to have ever existed and carry only the best.